
To integrate Qase Reporter in your Playwright setup, follow these steps:

Activate the Playwright App

To activate the app, go to the Apps section in your workspace, and click on ‘Activate’.

Switch to the ‘Access tokens’ tab, and create a new API token from here. Save the API token as we’ll need it for the next steps.

add playwright-qase-reporter to your project

To install and add the reporter as a development dependency, run the following command in your node project 1:

npm install -D playwright-qase-reporter

add the reporter to your playwright configuration file

At the very least, the reporter will need two variables defined — your playwright app’s token, and the Qase project you want to publish the results to:

 file: playwright.config.ts

import { defineConfig } from '@playwright/test';

export default defineConfig({
  reporter: [
       /* You can define the reporter options here, or in a separate file. */
        testops: {
          api: {
            token: '<app-token>',
          project: '<project-code>',

Please refer to this article for guidance on how to find your Project code in Qase.

You can configure the reporter options in a separate file qase.config.json, placed in the root directory of your project.

  "testops": {
    "api": {
      "token": "<token>"
    "project": "<project_code>"

Let’s verify the integration

We’ll use a simple test to check if the results are being published to your Qase project. Create a tests/ directory in the root of your project and add the following test:

const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');

test.describe('Example Test Suite', () => {
  test('A simple test to check the Playwright integration', () => {

Now, let’s run the test by executing the following command:

QASE_MODE=testops npx playwright test

In the above command, we’re setting the reporter’s mode to ‘testops’ using the environment variable QASE_MODE.


If you are using yarn as your package manager, please run yarn add playwright-qase-reporter -D to install the reporter, and yarn playwright test to run the tests.