changelog: pytest

For the most up-to-date changelog, please check our GitHub repository.


Fixed an issue with parameters:

INTERNALERROR>   File "/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/qase/pytest/", line 331, in _set_params
INTERNALERROR>     value = str(ids[i])
INTERNALERROR> IndexError: list index out of range


Fixed an issue with suites [#296]


Support new version of qase-python-commons


Fixed an issue with the handling video and trace recording for Playwright tests. If a test was part of a class, the video and trace were not attached to the test result.


Improved the handling of videos and traces for Playwright tests. You don’t need to create a file anymore. The video and trace will be attached to the test result automatically. You can configure the video and trace recording using the following parameters:

  • --video on - add a video to each test
  • --video retain-on-failure - add a video to each filed test
  • --tracing on - add a trace to each test
  • --tracing retain-on-failure - add a trace to each filed test
  • --output - the directory where the video and trace will be saved. By default, the video and trace will be saved in the test-results directory.


Improve handling parameters in the pytest.mark.parametrize decorator. If you specify the ids parameter, the reporter will use it as value of parameter in the test case.

@pytest.mark.parametrize("enter", [enter_from_meta, enter_from_expedition, enter_from_news],
                         ids=["enter_from_meta", "enter_from_expedition", "enter_from_news"])
def test_enter(enter):


If a video is attached to the result, it will be added as an attachment. You can configure this functionality using the “video” parameter:

  • --video on - add a video to each test
  • --video retain-on-failure - add a video to each filed test


Fixed an issue with the pytest-xdist that caused the tests to be run in parallel and completed the test run before the results were uploaded to Qase.


Minor release that includes all changes from beta versions 6.1.1b.


Fixed an issue with network profiler.


Fixed an issue with parameters like this:

@pytest.mark.parametrize(argnames="foo", argvalues=["bar", "baz"])

The error was:

INTERNALERROR> File "/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/qase/pytest/", line 79, in pytest_collection_modifyitems
INTERNALERROR> param_name, values = mark.args
INTERNALERROR> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
INTERNALERROR> ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 0)


Fix an issue with the video recording option when the test fails:

INTERNALERROR>     video = item.funcargs['page'].video
INTERNALERROR>             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~^^^^^^^^
INTERNALERROR> KeyError: 'page'


If the video recording option is enabled and the test fails, the video will be attached to the test result when using Playwright.

For configuration, you should create a file in the root of your project and add the following code:

import pytest

# Configure Playwright to record video for all tests
def browser_context_args(browser_context_args):
    return {
        "record_video_dir": "./videos",  # Directory where videos will be saved
        "record_video_size": {"width": 1280, "height": 720}  # Video resolution


Support pytest-rerunfailures plugin. This plugin allows you to rerun failed tests. Each test run will be uploaded as a separate result in Qase.


Minor release that includes all changes from beta versions 6.1.0b. And also added support for group parameters.


  • Exclude the default parameters that are added by additional libraries and start with __pytest
  • If you use the testops mode and specify a plan ID then the reporter will run the tests specified in the test plan based on their IDs.


Fixed an issue then qase-pytest-capture-logs parameter did not set correct value.


Fixed the following issues:

  • issue with qase-pytest-capture-logs parameter [#234]. When using the “qase-pytest-capture-logs” parameter, an error occurred: pytest: error: unrecognized arguments: --qase-pytest-capture-logs=true

  • issue with qase-testops-batch-size parameter [#235]. When using the “qase-testops-batch-size” parameter, an error occurred: TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int'


Implemented a method that constructs a signature for each test result. It takes the file path, suites, qase IDs, and parameters.


Fixed the issue where the suite specified in the decorator was not displayed. Fix [#231]


Fixed the issue [#226]:

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'str'


Changed the name of the complete test run parameter for CLI arguments. Fix [#160]


The first release in the 6.0.x series of the Pytest reporter.


Turn off the sleep profiler until the test data collection is completed. Now the profilers will turn off after the test is completed.